Wednesday, June 12, 2013

About Me

Pauline Gift Zawadi is a pseudonym. I use it to express and share my experiences as a HIV positive young woman living in Nairobi Kenya. I chose to use it because i am yet to disclose my status to the most important person in my life, my son. I would want to remain anonymous till that day i will gain the courage of telling him about my HIV status. I do not want him to hear it from any other source. I feel that my true identity matters less than touching someones heart in matters HIV!
I am 31 years old, tested HIV positive in 2006 and am a mother to 11 year old Kev. I was born and brought up in Nyeri County. I have a degree in Social Studies from Moi University. I have been working in the HIV/AIDs field for the last five years. In my life, i have gone through painful experiences and other people have shared with me their own. What touches my heart is the plight of young children who have grown in orphan hood especially young girls.Its my wish and hope that every girl child would have access to education and information as i did.
Its from this background that i decided to become active in writing about HIV moreso address HIV from a young woman's and girls point of view. I am deeply passionate about experiences of young people born with HIV especially young girls and young mothers.
In this blog, i will be publishing both my stories and other young women's stories but with consent from those that i share. In all the articles however, i will not disclose the identity of anyone unless they have consented i use their real names.
Enjoy reading and share with your contacts. For anyone who is interested to support this work, you can write an email to or inbox me through my face book page or @zawadipolly on twitter.

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