I do not like death stories but this sounded very interesting to me.
Scholastica was admitted to Kenyatta National hospital nine months ago. She had gone to the referral hospital to deliver her baby through Cs. While performing the procedure, the doctor accidentally perforated her kidney or bladder am not sure which one. The result was that urine would flow inside the body. To cut the long story short, Schola died last week after a lot of pain and suffering. She could not even breast feed her baby as she was in and out of hospital.
Drama began after Scholars death. The in-laws demanded that she could not be buried before dowry was paid. The husband who was determined to bury the mother of his three children sought support from friends and relatives to help pay the required amount before burial. His friends who stood by him all through helped him raise the demanded payment.
The body was scheduled for burial in the interior expansive Laikipia County. Those that were to carry the body had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to be able to transport the body to the husbands home. Due to the demanded dowry payment, the husband to the deceased did not have enough money to hire a hearse vehicle. They therefore agreed that they would carry the body on top of the vehicle they were to travel in. The wife relatives however demanded that their daughter would not be placed on top of a vehicle. Left with no choice, they had to find a way of carrying the body with minimal costs. They did carry the body and by the time they reached Nakuru, two vehicles had broken down. When the third vehicle broke down, they all agreed to view the body and request the dead to accept to go and be buried. The ritual took an hour but unfortunately the third vehicle broke down about five kilo meters to the home. By this time, the mourners were so tired and had no money left to hire another vehicle and they had to carry the body on their shoulders.Finally, Schola was buried on Saturday.
This particular death is one painful one. She was only 24. Maternal deaths in this country that occur due to negligence are many. On the other hand its a pity that culture and tradition binds us to this date. The burden now lies with the husband to bring up his three children. Unfortunately he is not in good terms with the in-laws who are now taking care of his children. I do not want to imagine what this man has and is going through right now. May Schola rest in peace.
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