When HIV struck in 2006, my hopes for ever having another baby were crashed. I hated men onwards and having sex became history to me. Any man i met and felt he was going that direction too fast, i would go quiet and quit. This happens even today. I am one of those women that believe that sex should be the last thing to talk about in a relationship. When a man begins with it, then he can be assured that he isn't seeing me one more time. This i maybe corrected by many and i must admit it has been the cause of my being single since i refuse to entertain anyone who wants to bring my pants down.When i got my first job, news of new-borns were not so frequent within our circles. Infact, death news were more frequent. My heart would crash once i heard of passing on of a person i knew so well and their struggle with HIV. Some of these memories i hate to remember.

For sometime now i have been having this overwhelming desire for a baby girl. Its eleven years since i held my newborn and now have forgotten even how to hold one. What i am not sure about is how to make sure she comes out a girl. When i talked to Asunta and read her diary, i could feel her desire for a baby girl. But she ended up giving up after the twin boys.
My mind wants a girl yes but i have to consider what i have gone through with Kev without a father. Is that what i want for my girl? Still thinking. I have goggled all ways to get a baby without having to go through sex and i found its not so expensive and with about 50K i would be able to conceive. Still not conclusive on this.
My mother desired to have girls, but she only managed to have me. I have not been happy alone but at least i have her. In my Kikuyu tradition, i should name my girl after my mum. This is what i want so much. I hold mum so dear to me and i really need to take care of her as she did to me.
So far, the only thing i am sure about is that i desire to have a baby girl. But how to get there is what i am not sure about. I know i will follow doctors instructions to the latter to ensure baby Wambui comes out free of HIV. I am waiting. It will be so exciting to feel pregnant.
Hey there! isn't it good for a single girl to dream during the day at times?
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