Friday, July 5, 2013

I hate this Ugly mark on my Chest

In 2009, i woke up one day with two pimples. By the second day they were all over my body. They were painful and i also had high fever. I dreaded how i looked. I would still go to the office since i never wanted to be alone in the house. My colleagues were very supportive and i remember how i would remove all my clothes and the office nurse would apply calamine over my whole body. This went on until i was healed and the ugly marks that were left on my body slowly faded with time. 
The week earlier i had attended to mama Prince who had herpes zoster(shingles). She had come to my office so sick and I did not know that if an adult or child has direct contact with the shingles rash and did not have chickenpox as a child or a chickenpox vaccine, they can develop chickenpox, not shingles. Its when i was going through some documents later that i learnt this.
All except one pimple faded with time.  The pimple that exists to date was the first to appear. The worst thing is that the pimple is larger now and its no longer looks like a pimple but something ugly. I was blessed with very smooth skin but this intruder sometimes makes me feel ugly. I sometimes want to wear a low neck dress with a small chain but the need to hide the ugly pimple overwhelms me. My unanswered question sometimes is why it had to appear on the chest. Its usually impossible to hide and you can imagine the look i give to anyone who dares ask me about it. Whenever i look at the mirror, its a constant reminder that i have HIV and not just that, that this virus called varicella-zoster is within me and has gone to hibernation and can appear any time my immunity goes down. 
Shingles is more common in people with a poor immune system (immune-suppression). Shingles commonly occurs in younger people who have HIV/AIDS or whose immune system is suppressed with treatment such as steroids or chemotherapy. Mercy lost her one eye when zoster struck her one side on the face. For Cyrus, it had struck on his right leg right at the ankle. Being a driver, it was so uncomfortable and he had to remove his shoes while on the road. Cyrus however denied having HIV and died sometimes back after an pneumonia attack. 
If you have never tested for HIV and shingles appears, its important to do a HIV test!

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